Of course, there’s the little matter of Zoom’s identity being revealed, but all in good time. With their foray to Earth-2 seemingly behind them at the outset of “King Shark,” Team Flash attempt to move on with their lives. Caitlin, after having lost Ronnie, can’t fathom losing Jay, too, and becomes distant, short, and cold — exactly the things Cisco is afraid could signal her turn into Killer Frost.
But she isn’t the only one affected by the Earth-2 jaunt. Jesse is learning to acclimate to life on an entirely new planet while Barry attempts to find a metahuman, any metahuman, to distract him from the events that have left him shaken from his time through the breach. Luckily, King Shark answers that call.
Diggle and Lyla arrive at S.T.A.R. Labs (this week’s example of the lab’s upgraded security doing absolutely nothing to prevent walk-ins) to warn the team of Shark’s return and his insatiable appetite for one meal: The Flash. Harry works on finding a way to track the literally big bad while Barry aids in A.R.G.U.S. in the search.
They notice the path he’s cut from the A.R.G.U.S. facility to Central City includes a few pit stops by bodies of water, so they assume he must be somewhere by the sea in Central. Unfortunately, their hunt for the vicious foe comes up fruitless…until he chomps down on two A.R.G.U.S. soldiers, that is.
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Lyla, the newly instated head of A.R.G.U.S., is worried that her first big task is turning into such a mess, but she’s not going to stop looking. Caitlin and Cisco, meanwhile, head out to find Tonya Landon, the wife of King Shark’s Earth-1 doppelganger, who happened to have died in the particle accelerator blast.
The widow eventually offers to give them a look into her research (she just so happens to be studying sharks) but only after Caitlin chases after the information with surprising force and a lack of her normally kind disposition. Cisco is thrown, but when Caitlin asks him why he, too, has been acting weird ever since the return from Earth-2, he clams up on the subject. (It’s a great idea on Cisco’s part because both The Flash and Arrow have proven time and again that NOTHING goes wrong when people keep secrets.)
Cisco later confronts Caitlin about how she’s been acting back at the lab, only to accidentally reveal that he met Killer Frost on Earth-2 (after Harry explicitly told him not to tell her a thing about her other version). She’s horrified, not at the idea that she might turn into an ice-wielding baddie, but that Cisco can’t understand why she’s been acting that way. She needs this time to cope, to process, and that requires some isolation, even if it makes her a bit frosty at times.
They’re not the only pair with an on-edge dynamic throughout “King Shark.” Wally, despite easing into his role with Joe and Iris, can’t seem to connect with Barry. It’s easy to see why (Barry’s been Joe’s surrogate son for years; they’re constantly putting him on a pedestal), but to Barry, it’s a complete mystery. Joe suggests the two find a way to connect, but he also suspects something happened on Earth-2 that has made Barry act just a little off since his return.
Joe tries having the two work together on Wally’s proposal project for an engineering program he’s applying to. The playdate starts off on a good note, with Barry trying to be as helpful as he can be. That’s the problem, though. He wants to help so much that he begins simply solving every issue he finds on his own, barely taking Wally’s input into consideration.
Fed up, Wally’s ready to leave, but he runs into a problem. King Shark has ripped the roof right off the living room, having tracked the Flash here. Joe distracts him with gunfire while Barry, Iris, and Wally flee, and more importantly so Barry can switch into speedster mode.
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